⬅️Moving your funds OUT of Asset Hub

Moving your funds from Relay chain to AssetHub.

You may be an artist who sold some of his NFTs on Asset Hub Kusama/Polkadot, and now you are thinking about moving your funds somewhere else. You need to bridge your funds first.

In case you want to move your funds out of:

  • Polkadot Asset Hub

  • Kusama Asset Hub

Step 1: Select Teleport

After connecting your wallet to KodaDot, go to your profile in the top right corner. Select Teleport Bridge.

Step 2: Teleport out of Asset Hub

Bridge your KSM out of Kusama Asset Hub:

Note: You must keep 0.000033333 KSM on your account as an existential deposit for your wallet. Always leave this amount in your wallet.

Or Bridge your DOT out of Asset Hub:

Click on send and sign the transaction.

Step 3: Send your tokens to another wallet

Here, you have two options: either you will use your wallet to send your funds whenever you want or use the KodaDot Transfer option.

KodaDot's transfer option: In your profile, click on transfer and fill out the details:

  • Recipient: Address where you want to send your funds. If you send your funds to CEX (Binance, Kraken..), you will find your recipient address in those apps.

  • Amount: How much you want to send

Click on Continue and sign the transaction.

Double-check your balances now in your wallet

In your profile in the sidebar, you should be able to see which of your funds are on AssetHub now. Check this picture:

  • Red rectangle: Funds on Asset Hub Polkadot and AssetHub Kusama

  • Yellow rectangle: Funds on Relay Chain

That's all you need about sending your funds out of the Asset Hub. To send your funds back to the AssetHub Chain, use the Teleport Bridge function again.

Last updated


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