➡️Moving your funds TO Asset Hub

If you are an artist who wants to mint their art on Asset Hub Polkadot or Asset Hub Kusama, or you want to buy an NFT on these chains, you need first to bridge your funds.

Your DOT and KSM tokens must move to AssetHub chains so you can buy/mint/transfer/list your NFTs.

Step 1: Select Teleport

In case you want to use:

  • Polkadot Asset Hub - You need to have some DOTs in your wallet

  • Kusama Asset Hub - You need to have some KSMs in your wallet

After connecting your wallet to KodaDot, go to your profile in the top right corner. Select Teleport Bridge.

Step 2: Teleport to Asset Hub

Teleport DOT to Polkadot Asset Hub:

Teleport KSM to Kusama Asset Hub:

Click on Send and sign the transaction. DOT/KSM on the Asset Hub is just as good as KSM on the Relay Chain.

Double-check your balances now in your wallet

In your profile in the sidebar, you should be able to see which of your funds are on AssetHub now. Check this picture:

  • Red rectangle: Funds on Asset Hub Polkadot and AssetHub Kusama

  • Yellow rectangle: Funds on Relay Chain

That's all you need about sending your funds to the Asset Hub. To send your funds back on Relay Chain, use the Teleport Bridge function again, but this time, send it from AssetHub to Kusama/Polkadot.

Last updated


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