ðŸĶMinting on Kusama

How to Mint NFTs on Kusama using Kodadot

Minting on Kusama

Minting on Kusama is very easy. We offer more options for you and your NFTs. You only need to choose. Before you start read something about minting fees so you are familiar with how much you spend on your art.

Step 1 - Connect Your Wallet

To begin, go to KodaDot and connect your Polkadot wallet by clicking "Connect" in the top right. Confirm that you understand KodaDot will never ask for your seed phrase. Select your wallet and choose the account you want to use.

Step 2 - Create a Collection

Next, in the top right corner, click "Create" and choose Collection. This will allow you to make a new collection. Give the collection a name and description, and upload a logo. Then click "Create Collection."

First, you need to create a collection where you later add your NFTs. Click on Create in the top right corner. Select Collection.

Step 2: Fill out the collection information

Upload the image file (image that will represent your collection), name for your collection, and description (optional).

Maximum NFTs in the collection - your collection will automatically have unlimited NFTs. In case you want to limit this number, toggle off this selection and choose the number of NFTs. Be aware! If you limit NFTs in the collection, you will not be able to change that later.

Select Blockchain - Select which chain you want to mint on. In this case, Kusama or RMRK2

Step 3: Sign the transaction

Click on Create New Collection and sign the transaction with your password. You will be redirected to add your NFTs to your collection. In case you do not see your collection in the option list, wait a minute and continue to the next step.

Step 4: Add NFTs to your collection

Click on Create in the top right corner and select NFT.

Now you have two options:

  • Single NFT: Add NFTs one by one to the collection

  • Multiple NFTs: You will need to prepare specific files to do it this way (recommended for experienced minters)

Single NFT

Step 1: Fill out all the necessary information

  • Upload your NFT file, name for the NFT, and description (optional).

  • Select collection - select the collection you want to add your NFTs to.

  • List NFT for Sale - if you toggle this option on, you can directly put your NFT on sale. You will need to select the price. You will also sign one extra transaction.

  • Select Blockchain - select a blockchain where your collection was minted.

  • Number of copies - minting the same NFT more than once (don't forget that you pay a fee for each minted NFT)

  • Properties - in case you want to add any properties to your NFT

  • Royalty Rate - % of all sales that will go to your (or other selected) account

  • Explicit content - In case your NFT is from the category: not safe for work

Step 2: Sign the transaction

Click on Create New NFT and sign the transaction(s)

Add all other NFTs to your collection!

Multiple NFTs

Check this tutorial to learn how to use Mass Mint.

Fees on KSM

Last updated


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